Frequently asked questions

Wholesale prices will be displayed when you "Sign In" or "Register" to your account. Before entering your account, the retail prices of our products are displayed. Create an account.

To complete your order, you must create an account on our website. Go to the “Login/Affiliate Registration” section and fill in your details. Upon registration, an e-mail will be sent to Texcity Lifestyle to confirm the details you provided and your account will be approved. Once approved, you will be ready to place your orders online. If you already have an account, you will need to “Login” to your account by entering your username and password. If you are having difficulty, you can contact us at 6972333718 so we can help you complete your order immediately!

To modify your order, you can contact us at 6972333718 or send us an email at

Of course! We will notify you by email when your order is ready for pickup!

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